So now, there are three: Blake, Melinda, Jordin (in alphabetical order).
Of course, I'm talking about the American Idol. What else?
As I'm convinced that the devoted fans of the show have watched -- or are watching? -- the last episode featuring the top three, I'd like to spare my two cents. (If I'm not mistaken, the Indonesian viewers now can watch AI a day after the original one is aired in the US. Good then!). If you think this particular post is gonna be a spoiler, pass it.
I love Jordin. Like always. She's so refreshing. She's not a typical 17 year olds, appearence-wise and vocal wise. She's very, VERY talented. I've loved her since day one, and been hoping that she'll make it to the top. So far, only once did she disappoint me, when she tried to be a rock chick for the Bon Jovi's session. Horrible hairdo. Must've taken advice from Sanjaya :p. Last night, though, she's taken me.
Blake has also been one of my favorites, and I'm glad that he got this far. He dares to be different. There were times when he seemed to be desperately trying the popular path (how else will you explain the beatbox that sometimes feel "maksa banget sih"?), but in the end he always gets his grip. Anyway, I may get snorts from the music industry experts/practicioners for saying this: I think he sounds so European. Looking at the songs he picked, he might've realized that at the first place. One more thing: his decision to dye his hair black can't be more right. Cuter than ever, babe!
Now, Melinda. Contrary to the judges' praises, I don't really like her performance last night. I think she was off pitch at times, and quite notable in - unfortunately - I Believe in You and Me. For this whole AI season, she's been flawless. And yet, I find her getting boring. Yes, boring, not bored. This time, perfection is blah.
My gut tells me this is going to be an all girl final. Say goodbye to Blake... and be prepared to welcome him again when he releases his first album :). He's marketable! Melinda might get the title this year, but I'm sure it's Jordin who we'll hear more in the coming years.
Although I'd vote for Jordin anytime, and I do like Blake, never would've I thought it was MELINDA, yes, MELINDA who had to fly home. It shocked me as much as other Melinda's fans. Check out message boards and blogs, and you'll find the many people who vow they'll never watch AI again. Some even threaten to boycott the show (how?). Whew. I had the same feeling when Delon got the ticket to Indodol finale a few years ago. I was snapped back to the reality that it IS a popularity contest, and the best, most talented ones are often overlooked by the crowd judging merely from what pleases their WHOLE five senses.
Show business is a mean business. And whether you'll admit it or not, it IS a discriminatory, patrilineal, business. Dessy Fitri, an extremely gifted singer, for instance, never made it big like Krisdayanti. On the other hand, Ramona Purba had had his time of fame, albeit a short one.
Three to the Top
Posted by
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
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Yeah, kalo diajang spt ini.. kayaknya Blake bakal tersingkir. Tapi gw setujum Blake sangat menjual. Tampang oke & gaya menyanyi yang bisa tampil beda dari penyanyi aslinya...
But.. i still miss Sanjaya anyway.. hahaha..
kenapa gw merasa justru kebalikan elu ya bo? gw lebih suka sama doolitle melinda :P. she's perfect, huhuhuhu! gw selalu termehe2 kalo dia nyanyih. kereeennn.
tapi, analisis gw nih ya *hakhakhak* yang menang bakal jordin. kenapa? karena tampangnya oke bow! dan suaranya juga MANTAP! secara kualitas, mereka berdua emag top, tapi karena jordin cakep *rambutnya juga kereeeeeeeeeeennn*, pasti dia yang menang deh.
huhuhhu... analisis yang cukup ilmiah kah?
oh my dear dear friend!
now melinda's out, there are lots of wounds to mend...
just hope jordin wins the competition,
before simon cowell files his resignation! aja sebel banget tuh kayanya :D
*maap ya neng, lagi seneng rhyming... udah lama enggak soalnyah... hihihihihi*
Jie: Ternyata kita salah, yg tersingkir malah Melinda. Walopun jagoanku lolos, kok rasanya ndak enak yah, hehehe..
Dinda: Melinda emang perfect jeng, tapi buat gw she's TOO perfect. Lagian gw sebagai penonton yg shallow, seneng ngeliat yg seger2 juga, hehehe..
Miund: Betul! Jadi apakah dalam beberapa waktu ke depan isi blog lo bakal penuh pantun2 begitu jeng?;)
Noooooooooo, I like her and hoping she will be in the final along with Jordin. I hope this time, is a woman for AI. Hopefully Melinda got a chance to record her own album. I think they give that chance to the top 3 !
gee, you end your entry this time with ... Ramona Purba! hoahahahaha. he was considered an idol on your teens maybe, but certainly not mine. hoahahahahahaha *ngabur*
and i had thought that idol's final two would be melinda and lakisha, but then again, the don't wanna turn the show into motown-sound thing.
Bridge: I know that all Idol finalists will go on tour arranged by the management (Freemantle? Fox? Duh!), but am not so sure about recording. Funny, people say that Melinda is so good her loss won't that matter to her future career. But then again, she's been in the business for more than 10 years without really being noticed. Yeah, let's just hope that this Idol thing will be a sort of breakthrough for her.
Nauval!: Welcome back!!! Hihihihi.. yeah, Ramona can be considered a one-time idol, and that's way better than knowing that you are really talented but never have the deserved chance due to your physical condition *pura2 gak ngeliat soal umur*. They don't wanna turn the show into a motown thing? Who are "they"? Unless voters can be concerted, this implies that the whole show has been arranged :D. As Sanjaya remained on the show until top 7 (or 8? 6?), that might've been the case :))).
sampe terbengong-bengong dan pengen nangis tuh nontonnya. sedih banget waktu melinda keluar. tapi memang jordin punya sesuatu di senyum dan matanya, dan blake, juga menjual
huaaaaaaaaa.....aku berasa nangis darah pas di kasih tau temen via sms sesaat stlh dia nonton starworld kalo Melinda out !!! gilaaa...ini favoritku dari awal (eh kita pernah chat ttg ini apa ya)..kalo liat yg skrg must be JORDIN win dongg!! tapi si BLAKE juga hampir merebut hatiku dgn wajah & gaya Jamiroquai-nya itu.hee..*teteup* :)
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