I'm at the point of hating my work's requirement and actually thinking of leaving it.
Funny, because I love what I do, and my friends and co-workers here are gems.
But having to deal with suckers in other government agencies isn't that tempting. Constant pressures to be diplomatic at all times, especially to those who don't really deserve it, gave me nausea. When I blew up, of course it was entirely my fault, as I should've known how to deliver the message properly. For not being able to do that, I'll probably end up getting sacked. Haha.
Perhaps my resignation will do good for both sides. After all, there's not much that I've contributed to my office, right?
I'm not ready to make nice
I'm not ready to back down
'Cause I'm mad as hell,
And I don't have time to go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
'Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should
(Not Ready to Make Nice - Dixie Chicks)
Better start looking for a rich dude! :p
Posted by
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
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After all, there's not much that I've contributed to my office, right? <<< yang ini kata siapa?
bukankah..bukankahhhh kalau tidak ada jij tidak bakalan ada yang jaga kantor ampe malam ... sambil chatting? huihhihi..
lain kali getok aja eda yang nyebelin itu! :p
huayaaaa... gunung meh njeblug ki memang ketok medeni yo mbak... :)
I guess this is happening everywhere, eh ?
hohoo...aku pun ingin cabut dr sini, dimana kerja humanitarian bersaing dengan para devils opportunis nggak berhati, takut hati nuraniku ikut merangggas...
denger denger ada yang lagi kunjungan ya kesana? :)
"Perhaps my resignation will do good for both sides"
if we dont have YOUR kind of people in the govt, negara ini mau jadi apaaaaa?? kalo semuanya walk away... siapa lagi yanng bisa diharapkaaann.. hiks.. jangan menyerah sistah! tampolin aja orang2 yang nyebelin :P
aku ga ingin cabut ttp hrus terpaksa cabut *lah*
Eda Nana: lah mosok daku siskamling?? huhuhu... dan kalo mo getok2 juga gak bisa, walopun dalam hati udah gemes!
Boe: awas, menjauh dari gunung2 yg mo meledak!;)
Silverlines: and I guess it's because there are more jerks in influential positions? hehehe..
Jeng Okol: haduhaduh jenggg.. itu yg aku gak ngerti! udah tau dari awal mo kerja di humanitarian field kok ya masih ajaaaaaaa nyoba2 nyari keuntungan!
Melly: Yeah.. wes, wes.. pokoke critanya puanjang deyy!
Dinda: Hiks.. siapa yg mo bantu aku nampolin?
Gituschka: Heh? Emang apa yg dicabut?
Tunggu dulu Sis, jangan cabut dulu... Nanti siapa yang bisa aku tebengin kalo kesana? Masih untung dengan keparat pemerintah lain yang nyebelin, daripada dengan keparat beneran kayak di kantorku, yang sok cantik padahal bantet, sok pinter padahal bedain long john ama long coat aja gak tau tapi sok tau, sok keren tapi kemang food fest aja ga tau dimana??? Hayo....
Great readding
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