Aa Gym: from hero to zero.
Memang tidak ada Nabi lagi zaman sekarang.
Too bad. Asking too much from your sigaraning nyawa (is she still?).
And a Judas kiss in public?
Fall from Grace
Posted by
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
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Well, he's just another human being with a dick attached that can't see "yang putih-putih" (this is the way he described how when met the new lady) and make her his second wife (legal word for mistress, no?). What is sickening is the way he tried to justify his act behind the words of God, and the way the first wife tried to smile behind the tears she sheds.
Why not just admitting and say "Sorry, am just a human being can't see any beauty in front of me. Period." and why not admitting that you're hurt when knowing the husband had been wanting for a new marriage for five fucking years?
Why faking all ?
i live not far from polygamy, im not saying that its fair or something like that. i dont hate people who chose to do that, and i respect people who chose not to do that. that is all their they're dealing with, its up to them, right? its their show. im just saying that im not in the position to judge, are you?
apalagi alasannya karena concern dia ttg free sex, hidup bersama di luar nikah blablablabla... jadi mo ngasi contoh dengan the legalized one? hadoh!
I don't think it's about judging other people or not. It's quite obvious what happened without any judgement required. The fact thatjustification(s) was desperately sought, is sickening.
glad the love fog hasn't taken away the cynic hahakahakhakhk...
you know girl, i think it's the whole blood supply thing going on with men. they only have enough blood to operate either the penis or the brain at a time.
a'a Gym is clearly only huMAN, and his blood supply is no different than any regular man.
asking for a new 'prophet' is too much, doncha think? haahkahkahka
Well, nabi mana sih di buku suci manapun yang nggak bikin salah sama sekali?
Kalau yang salah pelaku, ya jangan timpakan kesalahan sama poligaminya dong. Jadi orang jangan picik picik amat napa sih???
simbah cayangggg... kan dari postingan ini jelas2 yang dikecam PELAKUNYA. did i say anything about the concept? (walopun saya jelas menentang poligami, baik poligini maupun poliandri!). pengecamannya lebih banyak karena sikap si Aa, seperti kemesraan yg berlebihan waktu press conference atw waktu diwawancara. kalo ditanya apa yang salah dengan bersikap mesra kepada pasangan, ya emang gak salah. tapi lucu aja karena SEBELUMNYA gak seperti itu. walopun mungkin cuma kebetulan, tapi kok yaaaaaaaa... hehehe...
manusia cuma manusia...
mengingkari satu ayat = mengingkari semua ayat, take it or leave it
kita memang miskin ilmu dan sosok dan tiba2 banyak orang perempuan sudah berzinah hati, pikiran, karena kelembutan, kemesraan seorang Aa Gym terhadap istrinya menjadi panutan/sosok, mendambakan suami seperti beliau...lalu tiba2 kalian berpaling..ha..ha...
seandainya dia adil terhadap para istrinya itu bukan urusan kalian, ia akan mempertanggung jawabkan terhadap Allah SWT.
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