A couple of days ago I found out that my significant other is left-handed. It's news for me! Inspite of our 18-year acquantainceship, I never noticed that he is left-handed. As left-handed people always interest me (I know, I know, so yesterday, aren't I?), such a "discovery" excites me (not in that way, people, mind you!).
Especially since I possess a sort of fetishism of... his hands.
Yes, I am a freak, for having this particular love for his hands! Everytime we chat with our webcams on, I crave for the sight of that body part of his. He used to be a swimming athlete, and still regularly practices, so you can imagine the firmness and strength of those muscles. Hm, better not feed you more on that, some of you will end up drooling over something you haven't even seen! I will, for sure, but they are mine, right?
I can't remember when I developed this affection toward his hands, but believe me guys -- weird as it may sound -- I don't ask for a photo of them, keep it everywhere I go, or dream about them. Nah. So I think it's pretty normal.
I have to admit, though, that it did come to my mind, the thought of getting the pic of those beloved hands and release it along with this posting. But I decided against it shortly -- I don't want to share them with public. I'm a bit possessive on this. *wide grin, blushes*
Oh, he'd kill me had he learnt I have written something about this! Hehehe... For those who know him too, please keep your mouth zipped, will ya? Peace, Fellas!
Confession of a Fetishist
Posted by
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
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well, I don't him so I guess I'm free to blabber, right? [grin]
C'mon, gimme some detail of his hands. What exactly it looks like? [chuckle]
duuuuhhh.... tangan (kiri) yg kekaaarr :),
yang bisa mencakar [meoww] dan membakar,
yang pasti bukan tangan orang yg nyasar,
buat yg punya!, jangan marah, saya cuma berkelakar...:D
[reply comment-nya ga cihuy klo ga pake akhiran -ar!]:)
Tangannya....tangannyaaa...jadi inget lagu gereja.
what's up with girls adoring guy's hands? ibu ellen ini ternyata tidak sendiri sodara2. gw punya temen yang lain, yang juga 'memuja' tangan gebetannya. padahal menurut gw sih kayak pisang gituh. wakwkakwa...
anyway... i'll zip my lips now, :P
bagian mana dari cowok yang paling sekseh?
jelas tangan dan jari jemarinya dong bo!!!! :)
mas kere: maksudnya apa yah nunjuk2in "tanda pangkat" yg kebetulan ditempatkan di lengan itu? hihihi...
girl: his hands are bigger, stronger than mine. but when they hold or touch mine, they could be softer than a feather *blushes, blushes*. as for the rest, i'll leave it to your imagination, dear *grin*
komentator nyasar:
biarpun nyasar
anda tetap komentar
untung gak kasar
kalo iya, anda musti keluar!
*harus rhyming "-ar" juga kan, hehehe... *maksa*
sondi: lagu gereja yang manaaaaahhhh???
dinda dan melly:
berhubung komentar kalian senada, aku satuin juga deh. aku baru ngeh kalo tangan ternyata suka menjadi daya tarik cowok. barangkali harus postingan sendiri mengenai organ tubuh pasangan yang merupakan appealnya. bisa tangan (rupanya banyak yg gitu), mungkin kaki, kuping... kalo mata atw bibir mah biasaaaaaa... coba kalo misalnya belly button atw bagian2 tubuh yang tertutup gituh??? hihihi...
hihihihihi...postingan kamu kli ini lucu juga yaa...ada aja ya bagian tubuh org yang menarik buat disimak..hehehehhe..
ria: jadi torkis yang menarik apanya nih? ;)
Hualahhhh....masa kaga tau sih ?
Ada deh lagu gereja yang liriknya begitu...tapi gue lupa.
interesting.... mostly i heard about foot fetish... now is hand fetish... very very interesting :)
huahahaha.... lagi ngebayangin bikin cafe khusus untuk cewe, yg dekorasinya patung2 body partsnya cowo plus photograph2 juga..
boleh dong foto tangannya di posting. ntar gue pigurain, buat dipajang di my future cafe!
K: really?? did you read other comments above? lotsa girls are obsessed with their men's hands! what would you call it, "hand fetishism pandemic"? LOL!
Mer: er... liat dulu, siapa aja yg udah dipajang. dan jangan sampe ada yg memelet pria saya dengan menggunakan gambar tangannya.. hehehe... *exaggerating mode on*
hmm...i can use my other hand too gorjes, if u want :)
Aaaahhh...!!! Yang punya tangan beneran kasih comment! Kabuuuuuurrrrrr...
PS. Tenang aja, Sayang, saya pasti balik kok. Mana bisa lama2 jauh darimu *uhuy!*
begini...mmm...masih ada sepetak lahan lagi ga ya, bu? Mo kempink nih...:D
=berbahagialah orang2 yg lagi pol-in-lop karena HANYA mereka lah yg memiliki planet ini=
Yang laennya ya ngontrak, nge-kost, atau bikin tenda dan gubuk2, dan memandang 2 mahluk di atas itu tuuuuh, dgn tatapan.....sirik...hihihihihihi...
weeh.....gua banget...kok sama sih..? ngobrol dong...hihi...jadi pengen curhat..
ampun deh, hand fetish;), baru denger:D.
btw, oleh2 ya kalo nggak mau dibocorin wakakakak... *bair nggak kenal tapi kan bisa usaha ntar:D*
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