A Belated Warm Welcome

Three days after he arrived, I watched his mom -- one of my closest friends -- feeding him through my webcam. My friend is a pretty woman, indeed, but I could swear I had never seen her more beautiful before.

It was the first time I really got why it is called the maternal glow. She looked so radiant, content, in peace. When she smiled to her infant boy, I couldn't stop smiling too. I was overwhelmed with happiness, I even wanted to cry. I've seen many newborns before, but perhaps if it belongs to those you love, it does give you emotional impacts.

Welcome to the world, Prama Arya Pradana Trisna. It is a cruel place, but your mom and dad will protect you, take care of you, shower you with their love and attention. You need not worry. We love you too and will always pray for you. And we will watch you grow, most probably from afar. But we know that you will be the sustainable source of joy and pleasure for your parents. And for us.

So, what do you think? Who does he look like... mommy or daddy?


L. Pralangga said...

Mesti mirip dua-duanya atuh! :) - Didoakeun biar jadi anak soleh yang taat orang tua dan diberi kebarokahan, Amiin!

salam hangat dari Afrika Barat! :)

Apey said...

pretty baby !! anak siapa Len ? congrat buat mom and dad-nya yaa...

Anonymous said...

kang luigi: makasih udah mampir ya kang. salam juga dari DC!

angela: atas nama ortunya, terima kasih :D

apey: anaknya temenku di ottawa.