A long lost friend asked me in our cyber conversation the kind of man I am looking for.
It did not take seconds for me to answer: "A man who makes me comfortable."
"How?" he insisted. "Give me some explanation."
"You see," I replied, "it is actually an inexplicable thing."
"Ouch. Women are so complicated!"
"Not really. Men are." (Otherwise we women wouldn't be discussing how we shall interpret their gestures, right? Right?).
"Well, he will be the one who I can talk to about anything without ever thinking whether I'm still in the safe zone; the one that I can kiss even before I brush my teeth; and my emotional haven. When I am comfortable with him, his physical appearence doesn't count."
(Smiling icon).
"Let me put it this way. When the beauty has faded away, the world turned into rash, and his presence remains being my source of happiness, then he is The One."
(Hand clapping icon. Geeze! Come on, man! It's sooo cliche!)
Cliche or not, it did inspire me to write a short letter to my future partner.
My dear future partner, wherever you are now, or whether you exist or not:
When I lay my eyes on you, I know I am the luckiest woman for having found a soul that clenches mine so perfectly. Around you I feel like the way I am now, and I will be full with excitement for being me. As you love me for who I am, and will love me for what I am going to be.
But better than that, I love you for who you are and will love you for what you are going to be.
You may not wear the latest trend, have the idol look, speak the "gaul" way, sing like Peabo Bryson, or come with Brad Pitt's body (and his awesome firm butt).
You may be that ordinary guy with glasses, missed by passers-by.
You may forget my birthday, never send flowers/chocolates/sejenisnya, and prefer nasi goreng Menteng to Blowfish because it's much cheaper. (And therefore never understand why one should spend almost a hundred thousand rupiah for a seat at EX while the same amount of money can pay for five tickets in TIM).
But the sparkles in your eyes when I come out wearing something different than usual always manages to buoy me. No word is necessary, since time usually stops when our eyes lock and our fingers intertwined.
Your short compliments and encouraging words are all I need to rise my spirit. You are willing to be the shadow, but you are actually the light.
I may not always like you. I may hate it when you refuse to put on a more sophisticated outfit. I might despise your obsession with football games. I may yearn for you to be more attentive -- MY standard of attentiveness, of course.
I can be sure, however, that you will remain being my source of happiness most of the times.
And that years from now, when our wrinkled hands hold each other, it is the eternal comfort that I have always been familiar with. Around you.
Your future partner
A Cliche Posting
Posted by
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
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kl soulmate, mang hrs together ya ?
d'you know how hard it is to leave a message on your shout box ... at least from Germany ?
anyway ... nice letter. Bisa tuh dilaminating buat jadi kontrak tertulis :)
Lenje, its a beautifull love letter !! ( seem to me its kinda a pray ). I wish for you to find your future partner so soon...I do have such description of my own, close like yours in someway..let's pray the best for us then gal'....
victor: ini gak mesti tentang soulmate, i have a rather different description about soulmates.
mas buyung: terima kasih, tapi buat aku belom ada yang bisa mengalahkan masterpiecemu, posting tentang "Kangen". selalu bisa bikin diriku termehek-mehek.
monce: hehehehe.. begitulah. tiap kali kadar feromon meningkat (tiap bulan), kadar romantismenya juga meningkat -- perbandingan lurus. tanda2 bentar lagi muncul jerawat dan nafsu makan - terutama yg manis2 - semakin menjadi2.
how come we have the same criteria waktu cari yang namanya "pasangan". juga selalu diprotes karena kriteria "aneh" itu. gimana aneh, itu kriteria paling logis yang gue tau :)
*versi aku sih tepatnya adalah nyambung, tapi yang gue maksud itu bener2 nyambung yang membuat gue gak niat impress apapun waktu ngobrol, gak perlu mikir keras untk bisa ngobrol, bisa ngobrolin apapun juga dan gue tetep nyaman dengan itu semua*
Oh that letter..soooooooo wonderful...
sampe speechless...lagi menikmati letter kamu nih j ^^
hehehe, ga papa kok, just asking.. ;)
it's so gorgeously sweet the most macho man seriously can cry reading it. :)
Hahaha... I know a guy who ask you that question, coz he just asking me about you and possibility to get close to you.
Eniwei, it's a touching love letter, Sis, and I doubt if there is a man like that outside. Maybe there is, but not in this world and in this century....
melly: hahahahha... i know, gal. people may see us as "weirdos". like you said, it is the most logical answer (and short too!), applicable to anyone, right?
ria: thank you sis. i know you already found the man in torkis. wish you two the best of years to come!
garden girl: oh, you make me blush. any macho man you can refer? hihihihi...
detong: hahahaha... really? yeah, i agree with you. perhaps we were born in the wrong era. or wrong planet.
aduh rani.. tengkiu... moga2 dirimu juga awet sama rina ya!
if only we were born in Melmac ... ;)
Sorry pake kolom comment ini di luar konteks ...
But anyway, The Lord of The Rings itu karya Tolkien, sementara Narnian Chronicles itu bikinan Lewis. Keduanya adalah sahabat dekat yang sama-sama mengajar literatur di Cambridge. Keduanya juga adalah apologet Kristen yang insightful.
You see ... alarm 'peri, sihir, etc.' di kalangan Kristen kontemporer kita ini -kalau saya bilang- sih kelewat luas dan general jangkauannya. Seperti halnya inkuisitor jaman pertengahan, ia mengekang 'fantasi umpama' dan memaknainya denotatif. Semacam membaca puisi sebagai artikel berita lah, kalau aku bilang.
Kekayaan testimoni Kristen kedua buku tadi bisa ditelusur lebih jauh di:
'Journey into Narnia' tulisan Kathryin Lindskoog (a really good book) + 'Finding God in The Lord of The Rings' besutan Kurt Bruner & Jim Ware. Kalau nggak salah United Methodist Church juga punya site khusus buat studi 'Christianity in TLTR' deh ...
It's just lay men telling others about their faith in the best way that they know (both of them are professors in literature and mythology ...)
God of Small Things? Arundhaty Roy yah? duh, dari dulu dah kepengen tuh.. tapi belum rejeki aja nih .. ada yang beliin kek (minimal minjemin lah) :)
only 2 words.... dangggggggg, girl :)
"..a soul that clenches mine so perfectly.."
clenches.. what a verb! so lenje.. so romantic, bo'.. *winks*
I was looking for the same kind of life partner, and am lucky enough to have found him, even if it took me a lifetime and a trip across the globe. We've been married for a month now. Good luck in finding yours!
mas buyung: ya ya... sudah aku bilang supaya approve YM ku, jadi jawaban panjang lebar itu bisa ditaruh di messanger! yaiks!
'ka: makasih, makasih...
dita: kikikik... utk jawaban, ref. ke jawaban buat apey ya! *masalah romantisme bulanan itu lohhh!*
firda: aw! good for ya, lucky girl. thanks for the prayer anyway.
tulisan ini , sungguh sangat mengganggu perasaanku......
mudah2an engkau boleh dapet yg amat sangat ,engerti akan dikau.
anyway , be tough & goodluck darling
Jadi pengen pacaran...deuuuuu...
Aju emang dikau luar biasa adanya...setujuh sekali sama kenapa harus bayar di EX kalo bisa nonton di buaran <=== parah.
And it's a very beautifull love letter.Kalo gue yang di tuju....klepek...klepek....klepek GUBRAG !!
I stumbled onto our blog and found this
piece of yours to your future partner so very beautiful. :)
hei there... interesting blog! and this particular piece, it's just... stunning! gosh! aku link juga ya dirimu ke blog ku.. heheheh...
salam kenal!
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